The dynamic growth of companies creates a number of new opportunities, but tapping into these opportunities is fraught with new challenges including the need to make complex decisions under circumstances of uncertainty. We lose some of these opportunities irretrievably through lack of adequate funds. Sometimes, the making of a business decision requires an in-depth knowledge of finances and the capital market. At times, the accomplishment of our objectives seems complicated and the barriers appear insurmountable.
It is our mission to help you find your way around the reef-like complexities of the capital market, unravel the fine print of agreements with banks, the intricacies of agreements with leasing or factoring companies. If the growth of your company requires the sale of a part of your business, a merger with another entity, a takeover of your competitor or the raising of new capital, we are here to make sure that the process in question is just another stage in your quest to accomplish your business objective, a quest that will be made all the easier thanks to our assistance.
Our team members use a collective pool of knowledge acquired by them in areas such as finances, banking capital market, accounting and taxes. We invite you to make use of our expertise.
4DF Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością i Wspólnicy Spółka komandytowa w Łodzi
ul. Targowa 35
Łódź 90-043
Tel. +48 42 6328 029
Fax +48 42 6328 001